Do you want to register a individual entrepreneur (živnosť) in Slovakia?
We will be happy to help you solve this problem!
You can order the service by filling out a short form on the website.

What do we offer:

Submission of the necessary documents to the zhivnostensky register (živnostenský úrad).

Legal address in Bratislava and other cities of Slovakia.

Receiving, scanning, processing, secure storage and forwarding of your correspondence by email.

Providing electronic confirmation of individual entrepreneur registration (živnosť), without the need for a personal meeting.


Attractive price: Only 50 euros for filing an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.

Experience: We have been providing this service for over 3 years.

Convenience: You do not need to have your own office to register a company.

Reliability: More than 300 customers are satisfied with our service.

The process of registering an individual entrepreneur (živnosť) consists of receiving the following documents from you: a color copy of the first page of the international passport, a non-notarized power of attorney for communication with the zhivnostenský register (živnostenský úrad).

For holders of a residence permit in Slovakia, a copy of your ID card (karta pobytu) is required.

Also, if you have a residence permit in Slovakia for more than 6 months, then to register an individual entrepreneur you just need to present a certificate of good conduct from Slovakia (výpis z registra trestov). If your period of residence in Slovakia is less than 6 months, a certificate of good conduct must be provided from your country of citizenship.

We add to the application the consent of the property owner (súhlas vlastníka nehnuteľnosti), which is permission to place your “trade name” (obchodné meno) on the mailbox and use it as the main address for correspondence and receipt of business correspondence.

In addition, to register you must indicate one of the three state insurance companies that you have chosen for yourself. Select from the list those types of activities that you plan to engage in after activating your individual entrepreneur.

After submitting for registration, you will receive an electronic confirmation of individual entrepreneur registration within 3-4 working days. After receiving it, you, if necessary, convert this confirmation from electronic form into paper form by contacting a notary or a Slovak post office that provides a conversion service (zaručená konverzia).  

The registration price includes:

Collection of necessary documents and initial consultation.

Electronic submission for registration of individual entrepreneurs with any number of activities that do not require a license or special permits.

Receiving an electronic confirmation of registration from the zhivnostensky register (osvedčenie).

Transfer of a paper version of the individual entrepreneur registration confirmation – by agreement.

Additional Information:

In the case of registration of activities that require additional permits, additional payment is required in accordance with the registrar’s prices valid at the time of submission.

Services and costs associated with obtaining a certificate of good conduct are not included in the cost of registering an individual entrepreneur.

When switching from the status of residence permit to permanent residence, it becomes necessary to close the individual entrepreneur, since in this case the individual ceases to be considered a foreign person. To continue doing business, you will need to re-open an individual entrepreneur as a resident of Slovakia.

If you are a holder of an EU or OECD passport, then you can conduct business immediately after opening an individual entrepreneur.

Additional services:

To register and conduct business, you need a legal address (sídlo). To do this, you need a legal address service.

If you already have an individual entrepreneur and you want to make changes to the types of activities, namely add, partially suspend or remove them from the list, we also offer these services.

In addition to the individual entrepreneur registration service, we also provide a number of services, which you can find in the Services section.