Do you need to register a company (s.r.o.) in Slovakia?
We can help you solve this problem!
You can order the service by filling out a short form on the website.
Preparation and electronic filling of all necessary forms and documents to be signed in a Slovak notary.
Submitting the necessary documents to živnostenský úrad, as well as to the trade register (obchodný register) of Slovakia.
Legal address in Bratislava and other cities of Slovakia for registering your company.
Receiving, scanning, processing, secure storage and forwarding of your correspondence by e-mail as part of company service.
Receiving the final package of documents from the competent authorities in paper and electronic form for the full start of the company (s.r.o.) in Slovakia.
Attractive price: 350 euros for company registration (s.r.o.) in Slovakia.
Convenience: You do not need to have your own office to register a company.
Reliability: upon completion of registration, you receive a full set of documents in electronic and paper form.
The process of registering a company (s.r.o.) consists of receiving a number of documents from you, filling out a questionnaire, signing a notarized power of attorney for communication with government authorities, and submitting a package of documents to the relevant registration authorities.
If you already have a residence permit/permanent residence permit in Slovakia, the company registration process is somewhat different and can be found in another section.
For our part, we provide the consent of the property owner (súhlas vlastníka nehnuteľnosti), which is permission to place your “trade name” (obchodné meno) on the mailbox and use it as the main address for correspondence and receiving of business correspondence.
You need to choose a name for your company. Currently we recommend using this site to make sure that the name you want to use is not taken by anyone. To do this, you need to enter the expected name and select «spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným» in the second item of the drop-down menu.
You also need to select the types of activities required for your company to conduct business.
The registration process takes place in 3 stages:
1. Preparation of constituent documents and registration in the zhivnostensky register (živnostenský úrad).
2. Applying for and receiving a residence permit in Slovakia.
3. Registration of the company in the trade register (obchodný register).
Upon completion of all stages, you will receive an electronic confirmation of the opening of the company (s.r.o.).
Your company name (obchodné meno) will be available on the trade register website.
You receive a paper copy of the originals of all documents for the full start of the company (s.r.o.) in Slovakia within a few days after completing the registration process in all government authorities.
Initial consultation and collection of necessary documents.
Preparation and completion of all necessary documents. Meeting with a notary to sign a power of attorney for communication with the government authorities.
Providing information and assistance in choosing the types of activities necessary for your company to conduct business.
Submission of a complete package of documents for company registration in all required government authorities.
Receiving and sending confirmation in electronic and paper form of company registration.
In the case of registration of activities that require additional permits, a separate payment is required in accordance with the registrar’s prices valid at the time of submission.
A holder of a residence permit/permanent residence status can conduct business immediately after opening a company. The same conditions apply to holders of an EU or OECD passport.
Services and costs associated with obtaining a police clearance certificate are not included in the cost of company registration.
In case of sending or receiving documents via the post office, the price of the service is negotiated additionally.
To register and conduct business, you’ll need a legal address (sídlo). For this you also need a legal address service.
If you want to register a company at your own legal address or you need a personal meeting outside Bratislava, the price of such services is negotiated additionally.
In addition to the company registration service (s.r.o.), you can familiarize yourself with other services, the list of which is in the Services section.