Do you need a legal address (sídlo) for your company in Slovakia?
We can help you with this!
You can order the service by filling out a short form on the website.

What do we offer:

Legal address (virtuálne sídlo) in Bratislava and other cities of Slovakia.

Receiving and processing your correspondence.

Scanning and sending you information by email.

Secure storage of your correspondence.


Time: Receive confirmation of documents in electronic form for self-registration of a individual entrepreneur (živnosť) or company (s.r.o.) without the need for a personal meeting.

Experience: We have been providing the legal address (virtuálne sídlo) service for more than 3 years.

Convenience: You do not need to rent your own office to register a company.

Reliability: More than 300 customers are satisfied with our service.

Attractive price: 72 euros per year for the basic set of services.

The process of allocating a legal address to you requires the owner of the property to sign permission to place «trade name» (obchodné meno) of your individual entrepreneur (živnosť) or company (s.r.o.) on the mailbox at a specific address and use it as the main address for correspondence and receipt of business correspondence from the following organizations in Slovakia: health and social insurance companies, possibly your bank, as well as tax authorities, trade register (živnostenský úrad) and business register (obchodný register).

Your trading partners, if it is convenient for you, will also be able to send mail to this address.

To do this, you need to sign a special document – the consent of the property owner (súhlas vlastníka nehnuteľnosti). This document can be used when registering a sole proprietorship (živnosť) or a company (s.r.o.).

The validity period of such a document is 90 days.

Basic set of services:

Receiving and sending an unlimited number of email notifications to the customer.

Scanning the contents of letters and sending them electronically with your written consent. (up to 6 letters per year)

Storage of all postal correspondence is free for up to 1 year from the date of receipt.

Transfer from hand to hand of an unlimited number of all other letters and parcels delivered to your legal address. (by agreement)

Instant electronic notification of the customer about the receipt of mail via WhatsApp or email.

Additional services:

Initial preparation of a package of documents:

from 5 €

Scanning the contents of letters in excess of the standard package (per unit):

5 €

Receiving a regular letter or parcel weighing up to 2 kg from the post office with your power of attorney:

5 €

Receiving a parcel weighing from 2 to 10 kg from the post office with your power of attorney:

15 €

Receiving a parcel weighing up to 2 kg delivered by courier:

5 €

Receiving a parcel weighing from 2 to 10 kg delivered by courier:

15 €

Re-issuance of confirmation of legal address provision:

10 €

Storage of letters or parcels in excess of the standard package (price per month by prior arrangement):

from 5 €

Receipt of parcels weighing over 10 kg exclusively by prior arrangement:

from 15 €

When allocating an address for legal forms other than individual entrepreneurs (živnosť), an amount (deposit) is reserved in case of a conflict/emergency situation when the legal address (virtuálne sídlo) is used for other purposes.

In addition to the service of providing a legal address, we also provide a number of services, a list of which you can find in the Services section.