Individual entrepreneur (živnosť) can be registered in Slovakia in three main ways:
1. Through a trusted person:
Appoint a proxy in Slovakia.
The authorized representative must have a valid power of attorney signed by you.
At the time of submitting the application, the authorized representative must have all the necessary certified documents from you in paper form.
An authorized person submits an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur in živnostenský úrad on your behalf.
In this case, your representative will receive a paper version of registration confirmation.
2. Through the online portal:
Give yourself an electronic signature.
Register on the online portal of electronic services in Slovakia.
Fill out the online application for individual entrepreneur registration.
Sign the application with an electronic signature.
In a few days you will receive an electronic confirmation about your registration.
3. By power of attorney, with the submission of an electronic application:
Appoint a proxy without involving a notary, who already has an electronic signature in Slovakia.
The authorized representative receives from you in electronic form the necessary scanned documents.
On your behalf, an authorized representative submits an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur.
In a few days You will receive an electronic confirmation about the registration of your business.
After registering an individual entrepreneur, in the case of clause 2 or 3, you receive:
Confirmation (osvedčenie) of registration in the form of an encrypted file, which, if necessary, is converted into paper any number of times.
You are assigned a serial number (IČO) in the živnostensky register, by which you can always check the status of your individual entrepreneur on the open portal of the živnostensky register.
After some time, you are assigned a tax number (DIČ), which must be used when issuing invoices, as well as when filing a tax return.
The process of registering an individual entrepreneur can be complex, therefore, in case of self-registration, it is recommended to consult with a lawyer or accountant.
You can read more about the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur on our website.
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1. Legal address (sidlo) in Slovakia is the officially registered location of a legal entity or entrepreneur.
Used to register a company, used when concluding contracts, filing tax returns, receiving correspondence from government agencies and in other legal processes.
This address, among other things, is indicated in the trade register (obchodný register) and the živnostenský úrad register and serves as a key element of the legal status of the company.
2. Registration (registračná adresa) or “place of registration” (miesto registrácie) or “address of permanent residence” (adresa trvalého pobytu):
The place where a person lives permanently. Used to register in the healthcare system, receive social benefits, and vote in elections. For foreigners, must match the physical address of residence. In Slovakia, “residence registration” is registered in the municipality (obecný úrad) for people with permanent residence.
"Place of registration" is the official place of residence of an individual registered with government agencies.
This address is necessary to receive government services, including medical and social services, and plays an important role in confirming residence.
It is important not to confuse:
For foreigners who do not have permanent residence status in Slovakia, the concept of "trvalý pobyt" usually means the place of their permanent registration in the country of citizenship.
3. Correspondence address (Korešpondenčná adresa):
The address at which a person or company wishes to receive correspondence. Can be any address, does not have to coincide with the legal address or registration.
Designed for receiving correspondence and mail, for example, if a person moves frequently.
Legal address (sídlo) and registration (registračná adresa) are mandatory for all companies and individuals registered in Slovakia as business entities.
A correspondence address is not required, but may be useful. When registering a company address (sídlo) or changing registration (registračná adresa), you must notify the relevant authorities.
Additional information:
In Slovakia there is also a term "bydlisko", which is often translated as "registration". However, "bydlisko" is a broader term that can mean both "registration" and actual residential address.
So, the differences between these addresses are determined by their functionality and use in the context: the “legal address” serves for the needs of legal entities, the “place of registration” - to establish the fact of residence, and the “correspondence” address - for the convenience of receiving mail and documents.
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The process of changing your legal address (sídlo) indicated in the individual entrepreneur registration certificate is not too complicated, however takes time to implement
There are three main ways to do this:
1. You can change the address independently by contacting the živnostenský register. Provide the required documents and fill out the appropriate form on site. This method involves personal presence at the institution and compliance with all the requirements of the procedure. You can also make changes by proxy.
2. The second option involves using the electronic method of submitting documents. Only if you already have an electronic signature! You can submit the necessary documents electronically through the appropriate state portal .
This option is more convenient and requires less time and material costs.
3. The third option is to read all the necessary information on the desired page on my website, where you will find a step-by-step description of the process of replacing the sídlo. Then prepare the necessary documents and solve this problem with our help.
To do this, visit this page.
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After registering an individual entrepreneur (živnosť) in Slovakia, you can engage in various types of business activities, depending on which of them you indicated during registration. At the same time, it is important to decide which specific areas of business correspond to your intentions and qualifications.
Various types of business activities are possible, such as trade, services, consulting, production and others. For example, you can engage in retail trade, provide repair or consulting services, or run your own business in the field of technology or art.
It is important to note that the choice of types of activity must be in accordance with the legislation of Slovakia, and you must meet the necessary requirements associated with the selected types of business activity. If in the future you decide to change or supplement your list of activities, you can also do this by making appropriate changes to your registration documents. To find out more about this, visit this page.
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Yes, a medical examination to confirm that a foreigner does not pose a threat to public health in Slovakia is mandatory. This issue must be approached responsibly, since failure to provide this confirmation grounds for cancellation of the residence permit.
But there are some exceptions to this requirement (types of residence permit or categories of persons) when a medical examination is not required.
These include a residence permit for civilian associations of the armed forces, a residence permit for persons with a certificate of a foreign Slovak, a residence permit on the basis of permanent residence in another EU country, as well as a residence permit of any type in the presence of a residence permit in another EU country.
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The official list of court interpreters (Zoznam prekladateľov) can be found on the website of the Ministry of Justice of Slovakia: https://www.justice.
On the website you can select a region or city.
Then the language into which you need to translate from Slovak.
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Dočasné útočisko (temporary protection) in Slovakia:
Dočasné útočisko status can be obtained by: Citizens of Ukraine Family members of Ukrainian citizens: spouse, minor children, parent of a minor child who is a citizen of Ukraine, other close relatives of a Ukrainian citizen who live with him and require partial or full care. Citizens of other countries who were granted international protection or equivalent national protection in Ukraine before February 24th 2022. Citizens of other countries who were granted permanent residence in Ukraine before February 24th 2022 and who cannot safely return to the country of their citizenship.
A person who has received the status of dočasné útočisko (temporary protection) is called odídenec (refugee).
Odídenec (refugee) with dočasné útočisko (temporary protection) status has the following rights:
The right to reside in Slovakia for the period for which the temporary protection document was issued.
The right to work in Slovakia without the need to obtain additional permits.
The right to receive financial assistance for persons in difficult financial situations.
The right to free education for children under 18 years of age.
The right to free medical care.
Important to remember: Dočasné útočisko is a status, and odídenec is a person who has this status.
They extend dočasné útočisko, not odídenec.
The money is received by an odídenec with the status of dočasné útočisko.
Dočasné útočisko is an important tool for protecting people who were forced to leave their homes due to armed conflict.
More information about the status of temporary asylum can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Slovakia: Ministerstvo vnútra Slovenskej republiky
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Adding changes to the list of activities specified in the individual entrepreneur registration certificate (živnosť) is usually not a complicated procedure.
There are three main ways to do this:
1. You can make changes to the list of activities independently by contacting the Zhivostenský úrad register. Provide the required documents and fill out the appropriate form on site. This method involves personal presence at the institution and compliance with all the requirements of the procedure. You can also make changes by proxy.
2. Another option involves using the electronic method of submitting documents. Only if you already have an electronic signature! You can submit the necessary documents electronically through the appropriate state portal
This option provides a more convenient process for updating the list of activities.
3. The third option is to read all the necessary information on the appropriate page on our website, where you will find instructions for updating the list of activities. Then prepare the necessary documents and solve this problem with my help.
To do this, visit this page.
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DIČ (daňové identifikačné číslo) in Slovakia means taxpayer identification number. This ten-digit number is used to uniquely identify individuals and businesses for tax purposes. DIČ in Slovakia is assigned by the tax administration.
It is necessary to distinguish between taxpayers and ensures their unique identification in the tax system. DIČ is assigned to all individuals and legal entities who are required to pay taxes in Slovakia. DIČ is assigned to individuals upon registration in the taxation system, and to legal entities upon creation of a company. In addition, DIČ may be required when preparing various legal documents and transactions.
DIČ can be checked with the Slovak tax administration or the relevant tax office.
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In Slovak "IČO" (Identifikačné číslo osoby) means "person identification number". This identification number is assigned to all legal entities in Slovakia for the purpose of their unique identification in various types of interaction with government authorities.
IČO is assigned to individuals and legal entities upon registration in registers, such as the commercial register or the tax office register. This number is used for identification in various transactions, including tax accounting obligations, reporting to government agencies, as well as when interacting with banks and other organizations.
IČO is also assigned to such legal entities in Slovakia as limited liability companies (s.r.o.), joint stock companies (a.s.), non-profit organizations (o.z.).
Information about your IČO can be obtained from the registration services or the tax office of Slovakia. This number is an important element for legal identification in the country and is required to comply with various regulations and laws, as well as to ensure transparency in business transactions.
You can find your IČO in the public domain, for example, on the website оbchodný register or on the web page finančná správa.
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"Bydlisko" in Slovakia refers to the place of actual residence of a person. It is a term that is used to indicate the place where a person physically resides and his address for various administrative and legal purposes.
Bydlisko is a complex concept that does not have an exact equivalent in other languages.
For foreigners bydlisko is a real address of residence, which is important for various formalities such as paperwork, registration, receiving mail and other procedures related to the location of your residence in Slovakia.
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"Rodné číslo" in Slovakia is translated as "family number". This is a unique personal identification number assigned to every citizen/resident of Slovakia at birth or upon receiving the right to reside in Slovakia. Rodné číslo is used in various areas of government and commercial services for unique identification of individuals.
The Rodné číslo structure includes information about a person's date of birth and gender, making it unique to each person. Rodné číslo is necessary when processing many documents, such as a passport, driver's license, health insurance and other government services.
Writing format r.č. = yymmdd/aaab , where: yy are the last two digits of the person’s year of birthday. mm - month of birthday. Moreover, for women, the number 50 is additionally added to the month of birthday. dd date of birth of the card holder. aaa - indicates the number of people of the same sex born on this day. b - serves to check the correctness of the entire number.
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In Slovakia, the term "občiansky preukaz" is translated as "personal card" or "civil passport". This is an official identification document of a Slovakian citizen and contains basic personal data such as first name, last name, date of birth and residential address.
A civil passport in Slovakia is issued to citizens after reaching a certain age and is a mandatory document for identification. This document is required for various transactions, as well as for obtaining other documents, such as a driver's license.
It is important to note that občiansky preukaz provides information about the citizen and is used to confirm identity within the country. A passport is usually required to travel abroad.
Main functions:
Confirms the identity and citizenship of the owner.
Used to access government services.
Used for voting.
Used for travel to Schengen countries.
Every citizen of Slovakia who has reached the age of fifteen and has permanent residence in the territory of the Slovak Republic is required to have an občiansky preukaz, unless otherwise provided by law. From December 1st 2019, the holder of an ID-card can also be a citizen who does not have a permanent place of residence on the territory of the Slovak Republic or a citizen under the age of 15.
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The term "kа́rta pо́bytu" (card of residence) in Slovakia is translated as "stay card" or "ID-card". This is a document that is issued to foreign citizens living in Slovakia and granting the right to permanent or temporary residence in the country.
Residence card: Usually called "karta pobytu" or "pobytová karta".
ID card: Usually called "občiansky preukaz" (for Slovak citizens) or "ID karta" (for foreigners).
The validity period of the document (residence card) depends on the type of residence permit and usually ranges from 1 year to 10 years.
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Prechodný pobyt - temporary residence permit.
This is a permit to stay in Slovakia for a certain period of time, written in a permit issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Slovakia.
Required for citizens of non-EU/EEA/Switzerland countries.
There are several types of temporary residence permits: Employment: for work in Slovakia. Business: for doing business in Slovakia. Study: for studying in Slovakia. Family: for family reunification with a person who already has a legal residence permit in Slovakia. Others: humanitarian reasons, treatment, etc.
Povolenie na pobyt (permit to stay):
This is a general term used to refer to any permit to stay in Slovakia, including temporary and permanent residence permits.
There are two main types of residence permits: Prechodný pobyt (temporary residence permit), as described above and Trvalý pobyt (permanent residence permit).
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"Osvedčenie" in Slovak means "certificate". It is a term that is often used to refer to various types of documents that provide identification, rights, or other information.
For example:
"Osvedčenie totožnosti" (identity card): A document proving the identity of a person.
In the context of confirmation of business registration (živnosti) in Slovakia, the term "osvedčenie" can be used to refer to various documents confirming the registration or status of an entrepreneur.
For example: "Osvedčenie o živnostenskom oprávnení" (certificate of right to entrepreneurial activity): A document certifying that a person has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity.
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Trvalý pobyt is a residence permit granting the right to permanently reside in Slovakia.
Dlhodobý pobyt is one of three types of permanent residence (Trvalý pobyt), which is granted after 5 years of residence in Slovakia.
Two other types of permanent residence are Trvalý pobyt na päť rokov and Trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas.
Who can get Trvalý pobyt na päť rokov (permanent residence for 5 years):
Spouses of Slovak citizens;
Children of Slovak citizens;
Children of spouses of Slovak citizens;
Persons in whom the Slovak Republic is interested.
Who can get Trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas (permanent residence for an unlimited period):
Persons who have lived in Slovakia for at least 4 years in the status of Trvalý pobyt na päť rokov;
Children of persons with a similar status Trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas.
Who can get Dlhodobý pobyt:
Persons who have lived in Slovakia for at least 5 years;
Persons who have lost Dlhodobý pobyt due to a long absence from the territory of Slovakia and/or EU countries;
EU Blue Card holders with a total length of residence of at least 5 years, of which at least 2 years have lived in Slovakia.
Validity period:
Trvalý pobyt na päť rokov: 5 years;
Trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas and Dlhodobý pobyt: unlimited with a permanent residence card for 10 years.
Application review period:
For all three types of permanent residence: up to 90 days.
There are no fundamental differences in the rights that these types of permanent residence provide. There are some differences only in the conditions for the loss of each type of permanent residence, as well as in the rights that can be granted to holders of permanent residence in other EU countries.
It is recommended that you consult with a lawyer before applying for Trvalý or Dlhodobý pobyt.
Výpis z registra trestov (extract from the criminal record register) is an official document containing information about a person's criminal record in Slovakia.
Where you can get it:
Personally at the ministry of justice of Slovakia.
Through the post office.
In electronic form (with electronic signature).
Recipient requirements:
Identity document (passport, ID card).
Completed application.
Payment of state duty.
Birth certificate with judicial translation into Slovak (in case of foreigners)
The cost of the document is approximately 5-10 euros and depends on the prices of the institution that issues it.
Production time ranges from 15 minutes to 2 working days.
Výpis z registra trestov can be used for various purposes, such as:
Getting a job;
Visa application;
When submitting for registration individual entrepreneur in živnostenský úrad;
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Zaručená konverzia is a process used in the digital world. From a practical point of view, this is a process very similar to notarization of documents by a notary. Based on the original document, a new document is created that has the same legal force (that is, can be used in the same way) as the original, and is evidence that the document has not been changed during the conversion process, but is identical to its original.
Zaručená konverzia allows:
- convert a document from paper to electronic form,
- convert a document from electronic to paper form,
- convert a document from an electronic form to an electronic one (for example, changing the document format),
at the same time, the new document retains the legal force of the original document.
If you want to learn more about electronic signatures and the possibilities of its use in Slovakia, we recommend visiting the website of ministry of Justice of Slovakia.
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Spoločník is the founder of a limited liability company (LLC) in Slovakia.
The rights and obligations of the founder are determined by the company's charter.
Who can be the founder:
Citizen of Slovakia.
Citizen of another EU/EEA country.
Third country national (with work/stay permit).
Legal entity:
Slovak company.
Foreign company.
Who cannot be the founder of the company:
Persons declared incompetent.
Persons convicted of certain crimes.
Restrictions for citizens of third countries and OECD countries:
Third country nationals must have permission to work and stay in Slovakia.
With few exceptions, OECD citizens can be directors of a company without additional permission.
Spoločník is not obliged to receive a salary.
Spoločník can receive dividends from the company's profits.
Spoločník can receive remuneration for his work in the company if he is also its director.
Methods of receiving dividends and other payments:
Dividends: paid from the company's after-tax profits.
Remuneration: paid as salary for work in the company.
Other methods: may be provided for by the company's charter.
If you would like to learn more about the rights and responsibilities of a company director in Slovakia, we recommend consulting with a lawyer.
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Konateľ is the director of a limited liability company (LLC) in Slovakia.
Who can be a director of a company:
Individual over 18 years of age;
Must be legally competent;
It is not necessary to be a resident of Slovakia;
May be the sole manager or one of the directors.
Who cannot be konaťeľ:
A person declared bankrupt.
A person convicted of a crime against the economy.
A person deprived of legal capacity.
Third country nationals (non-EU members) must have a work permit in Slovakia.
OECD citizens may not need a work permit, depending on the agreement between Slovakia and their country.
Konaťeľ is not obliged to receive a salary.
Can receive money in other ways:
- Dividends, if at the same time he is a founder (spoločník) of the company.
- Fees.
- Compensation.
Other responsibilities of the director:
Represent the company in courts and other authorities.
Manage the company's activities
Ensure company compliance with laws and regulations.
Konaťeľ (director) plays an important role in the management of s.r.o..
It is important to choose a responsible director who will protect the interests of the company.
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Definition: Živnosť is a license giving the right to conduct business activities on the territory of Slovakia.
Activities are of three types:
Free živnosť: for most types of activities, for example, trade, consulting or IT. Crafts živnosť: for craftsmen and specialists, such as plumbers, electricians, hairdressers. Vázaná živnosť: (not free) for certain activities that require special knowledge, skills or permits, for example, medical activities, legal activities, construction, etc.
To receive (register) živnosť:
You need to choose the types of activities that suit you.
Provide the necessary documents, for example, passport, certificate of no criminal record, etc.
In some cases, pay a state fee.
Register in the "Zhivostensky register" (živnostenský úrad).
Advantages of LTD:
Legal business.
Possibility of hiring employees.
Access to government grants and subsidies.
For running a small business - živnosť can be a good option.
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s.r.o. is a limited liability company (LLC) in Slovakia. This is the most common form of legal entity for small and medium-sized businesses.
Basic information: Founders: 1 or more (individuals or legal entities). Shared capital: minimum 5000 euros. Liability: is limited to the amount of contribution of each founder. Management: director(s).
Limited liability.
Easy registration.
Access to financing.
Suitable for small and medium businesses.
Minimum authorized capital required.
More complex accounting than that of an individual entrepreneur.
Not suitable for high-risk activities.
If you want to know more about s.r.o. in Slovakia, we recommend:
Consult with a lawyer.
Consult with an accountant.
Visit the website of the Slovak trade register.
Read articles about registering a business in Slovakia.
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Obchodné meno (company name) is the name under which the entrepreneur or company is registered and operates in Slovakia.
• Uniqueness: Your obchodné meno must be unique and differ from other company names in Slovakia.
This requirement does not apply to individual entrepreneurs (živnosť).
• Language: The company name can be in Slovak, English or another language, but it must be translated into Slovak.
• Doing Business: The company name is used on all official documents related to the business, including contracts, invoices, advertising materials and the website.
• Individuals: The company name for individuals (živnostníci) usually consists of the owner's first and last name, plus an additional element, such as "syn" (junior) or "stolárstvo" (carpentry).
• Legal entities: the company name for legal entities (s.r.o., a.s.) is usually a fictitious name that reflects the nature of the business.
Legal form:
• Obchodné meno must contain the legal form of your company, for example s.r.o. (spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným) for a limited liability company.
Where to register company name:
• Regional commercial court: You can register obchodné meno with the regional commercial court in the place of your business.
• Online: Registration is also available online through the portal
Obchodné meno is an important element of your business.
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Žiadosť (petition, application) is a formal application to an authority, company or other person with a request for something.
Can mean:
• Request for a service (eg visa, passport, driver's license)
• Application for participation in a competition, program, event
• Complaint about poor quality service or product
• Request for information
• Other types of formal appeals
• In government institutions
• In commercial and non-profit organizations
• In special cases
• In writing (application, letter)
• In electronic form (online application)
• Orally (personal appeal)
• Žiadosť must be correctly composed
• It must contain all the necessary information
• Additional documents may be attached to it
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Súhlas vlastníka nehnuteľnosti (consent of the property owner) is a document in which the property owner agrees to the use of his property for certain purposes.
Consent can be given by the owner of the property (individual or legal entity).
Where used:
• Registration of legal entities - required for registering a company at a real estate address that is not owned by this company.
• Registration of individuals as entrepreneurs - required for registration of individual entrepreneurs at an address that does not coincide with the address of the place of permanent registration.
The document must indicate:
• Details of the property owner: first and last name, address, identification document number.
• Real estate data: address, cadastral number, type of property.
• Purpose of use of real estate.
• Certified signature of the property owner (notarized or electronically).
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Živnostenský úrad (Živnostenský registry) is a government body in Slovakia that helps entrepreneurs start and develop their business.
Main functions of the živnostenský registry:
• Registration of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities.
• Issuance of licenses for certain types of activities.
• Monitoring compliance with business legislation.
• Information support for entrepreneurs.
Živnostenský úrad:
• Creates favorable conditions for doing business.
• Increases the competitiveness of the Slovak economy.
On website
živnostenský register you will find:
• Information about business registration.
• Requirements for conducting various types of activities.
• State duties.
• Contacts of regional branches.
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The obchodný register (trade register) in Slovakia is a register of legal entities that contains information about all companies registered in the country, including:
• Company name
• Legal address
• An identification number
• Information about owners and directors
• Other information related to the company’s activities
Obchodný register performs several important functions:
• Ensures the transparency of information about legal entities.
• Helps protect the rights of creditors and investors.
• Makes it easier to do business in Slovakia.
Obchodný register - is an important tool for doing business in Slovakia.
It helps:
• Reduce risks
• Attract investment
• Find partners
• Increase competitiveness