Would you like to change the legal address of your sole proprietorship (živnosť) in Slovakia?
We will be glad to help you in solving this problem!
You can order the service by filling out a short form on the website.
Legal address in Bratislava and other cities of Slovakia.
Receiving and processing your correspondence.
Scanning and sending you information by email.
Secure storage of your correspondence.
The process of changing your legal address requires the property owner to sign permission to place «trade name» (obchodné meno) your individual entrepreneur (živnosť) on the mailbox at the address and use it for correspondence and receiving letters from the following organizations in Slovakia: health and social insurance companies , possibly your bank, as well as tax authorities, trade register (živnostenský úrad) and business register (obchodný register).
To change the legal address (sídlo), we need to provide the consent of the property owner. On your part, it is necessary to sign a non-notarized power of attorney for the provision of services and in particular for submitting an application to the trade register (živnostenský úrad) for a change of legal address (sídlo). You must also attach a scanned copy of your current residence permit card to your application. Color copy of both sides.
The replacement period ranges from three weeks to a month and depends solely on the workload of the trade register (živnostenský úrad).
Time: Submission is carried out electronically and you do not need to go anywhere and waste time on trips and queues. You also receive confirmation electronically. Accordingly, there is no need for a personal meeting.
Experience: We have been providing legal address service for over 3 years.
Reliability: Over 300 assistants are satisfied with our service.
Initial preparation of a package of documents:
from 5 €
Organization process, collection and submission of documents:
30 €
Payment for legal address (for one year):
72 €
Re-issuance of confirmation of legal address provision:
10 €
In addition to the service of changing the legal address, we also provide a number of services that you can find in the Services section.