Do you need to stop your business activities in Slovakia?
We are ready to tell you what steps to take to achieve the desired result.
You can order the service by filling out a short form on the website.
Submission of the necessary documents to živnostenský úrad for closure, suspension or renewal of the individual entrepreneur.
In case of suspension or resumption of individual entrepreneur, support of your legal address (sídlo).
Receiving, scanning, processing, secure storage and forwarding of your correspondence by email in case of suspension individual entrepreneurs.
Providing electronic confirmation of the complete closure, suspension or resumption of the activities of your individual entrepreneur (živnosť).
Attractive price: Only 25 euros for filing an application for the procedure for closure or suspension or resumption of all individual entrepreneur activities.
Experience: We have been providing these services for over 3 years.
Convenience: We do not need to meet in person – all of the above actions can be done remotely.
Reliability: More than 300 customers are satisfied with our service. Among them there are also clients who have retained their legal address with us after the suspension of the individual entrepreneur’s activities.
The process of closing and completely stopping the activities of an individual entrepreneur (živnosť) consists of submitting an application (žiadosť) to the zhivostensky register (živnostenský úrad) and receiving confirmation of this from the registrar. To do this, we need to receive from you: a color copy of your ID card (karta pobytu), a non-notarized power of attorney for communication with živnostenský úrad. In this case, maintaining a legal address (sídlo) is not required.
When you “pause” your individual entrepreneur, the requirement to maintain your legal address remains!
The process of suspending the activities of an individual entrepreneur consists of submitting an application to živnostenský úrad for the temporary suspension of your business activities. The suspension period can be any! To do this, we need to receive from you: a color copy of your ID card (karta pobytu), a non-notarized power of attorney for communication with živnostenský úrad.
After submitting an application (žiadosť) for closure or suspension of activities, within 3-4 working days you will receive an electronic confirmation of the closure/suspension of your individual entrepreneur. From this day on, you cannot engage in entrepreneurial activity. After receiving such a letter, you, if necessary, convert this confirmation from electronic form into paper form by contacting a notary or a Slovak post office that provides a conversion service (zaručená konverzia).
Likewise, after submitting an application (žiadosť) for resumption of activity, you will receive an electronic confirmation within 3-4 working days. From this day you can again engage in entrepreneurial activity.
Consultation and collection of documents required for submission
Electronic submission of an application (žiadosť) to the živnostenský úrad.
Receiving electronic confirmation of the closure, suspension or resumption of the activities of an individual entrepreneur.
Transfer of a paper version of confirmation of suspension/resumption/closure of an individual entrepreneur – by agreement.
The period required to close an individual entrepreneur ranges from three to ten days and depends solely on the workload of the zhivostenský register (živnostenský úrad).
The time required to receive confirmation from živnostenský úrad about the suspension or resumption of the activities of an individual entrepreneur usually ranges from three to ten days.
During the suspension of the individual entrepreneur and maintaining your legal address, the cost of the service (sídlo) will be 50% of its cost on the day of filing the application.
In addition to the services of suspension/resumption/closure of individual entrepreneurs, we also provide a number of services, a list of which you can find in the Services section.