General rules and list of documents required for Individual entrepreneur registration for holders of temporary protection status in Slovakia.

Formulár pre fyzickú osobu – ohlásenie voľnej, remeselnej alebo viazanej živnosti.

The form must be filled out on paper and consists of 7 pages.

The form includes applicant’s passport details and the types of activities you plan to work on in Slovakia. You also need to select and write in the “trade name” (obchodné meno) that you plan to use for yourself. In addition, you must include: a legal address in Slovakia, an authorized person to receive notifications, information for the simultaneous registration of an entrepreneur with the tax office and a health insurance company.

The form must be completed in Slovak language.

Suhlas vlastníka nehnuteľnosti – declaration from the property owner.

The document is certified by a notary. Provided and signed by the property owner and confirming that the address can be used for your business. The address must follow requirements of the Trade Licensing Office.

The document can be provided by the applicant independently, if he owns his own apartment or suitable property.

According to requirements of the Trade Licensing Office, when registering an individual entrepreneur (živnosť), it’s necessary to provide information about the representative (trusted person) in Slovakia. Such a representative (splnomocnenec v tuzemsku na doručovanie) can be an individual or legal entity with permanent registration in Slovakia.

Cestovný pas – international passport.

The passport must be valid at the time of documents submission.

An employee of the customer center (živnostenský úrad) will make a copy of the document and return the original to the applicant.

Dočasné útočisko – confirmation of temporary protection.

An employee of the customer center (živnostenský úrad) will make a copy of the document and return the original to the applicant.

Výpis z registra trestov – no crime record.

You must have with you the original certificate or its notarized copy with a court translation into Slovak. The original certificate must first be apostilled.


If you have a confirmation of legal residence in Slovakia for more than 6 months, then to register an individual entrepreneur (živnosť) you just need to present a no crime record from Slovakia (výpis z registra trestov). Such a document can be obtained, for example from the Slovak post office. According to Slovak law, to obtain such a document you need to present your birth certificate with a court translation into Slovak.

You must pick one of the three state insurance companies that you have chosen for yourself. (Union, Dovera или VšZP)

If you need to include regulated types in the list of your business activities in Slovakia, you must have appropriate confirmation of such rights. Relevant specialized education, work experience or courses and a diploma of successful completion of state exams.

When submitting your application, you will need to pay an administrative fee (kolok – can be paid online) of 7 euros for each free activity and 22 euros for each regulated activity that you register.

After submitting the application, within 3-4 working days you will receive confirmation of registration of individual entrepreneur (živnosť) in paper form.

To register individual entrepreneur (živnosť), you must provide electronic scans (PDF format) of the following documents:

1) Color copy of the first page of the passport (entire spread).

2) No crime record from the country of citizenship or crime record from Slovakia (all pages).

3) Power of attorney for communication with the Zhivnostensky register.

4) Statement from the property owner agreeing to use his address as the registered address of your business.

5) Confirmation of temporary protection status (dočasné útočisko).

In addition, you must choose one of 3 insurance companies (Union, Dovera or VšZP).

Select the types of activities you plan to engage in.

Submitting an application electronically (via the government services portal) is currently free and allows you to add any number of activities. Also, when filing electronically, adding each regulated activity will cost 11 euros, instead of 22 euros when filing in person.

After submitting the application for registration, within 3-4 working days you will receive an electronic confirmation of individual entrepreneur registration. After receiving it, if necessary, you convert this confirmation from electronic form to paper form. To do this, you can contact a notary or the Slovak post office, which provides a conversion service (zaručená konverzia).

Registration on our website costs only 50 euros, and therefore is certainly less expensive and more convenient compared to filing in person.