General rules and list of documents required for submitting an application to foreign police (cudzinecká polícia).

Applying for unlimited permanent residence permit based on 4 years of marriage with a citizen of Slovakia (Trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas) for citizens of non-EU countries.

Personal presence of the applicant is required. A translator may be presented.

Žiadosť o trvalý pobyt na neobmedzený čas – application for an unlimited permanent residence.

The form is generated automatically as you fill it out on the police website.

It can also be filled out manually. For example, if any mistakes appear. Or download žiadosť o obnovenie prechodného pobytu on our website.

The form must be completed in Slovak language.

Výpis z osobného účtu za posledné tri mesiace – certificate of account movements for the last 3 months.

In case registering account in a foreign bank it’s recommended to prepare the document in English since a court translation into Slovak will be needed. The exception are certificates issued in Czech.

Account balance amount must be at least 12 subsistence minimums (as of 15.07.2024 approximately 3300 euros).

In case of minor applying, guarantor’s account balance amount must be at least 6 subsistence minimums (as of 15.07.2024 approximately 1650 euros).

Account balance must be higher than the specified amount throughout the entire period of consideration of the case by the police.


Potvrdenie zamestnávateľa o výške vyplácanej mzdy – confirmation from the employer about the employee’s salary.

In this case, confirmation of financial security is a certificate from the employer indicating a sufficient level of money on the day the document is provided – one subsistence minimum for each adult and a half of subsistence minimums for each connected child.

When applying for permanent residence permit (trvalý pobyt) by a foreigner over 18 years of age, in addition to the options written above, you can also provide similar documents on spouse behalf. In this case, it’s additionally necessary to provide an obligation of financial and material support from the guarantor (Čestné vyhlásenie o poskytnutí finančného a hmotného zabezpečenia).

You can also provide your spouse’s employment contract (pracovná zmluva). When submitting, a notarized copy of the agreement is provided. Here it’s also necessary to provide an obligation of financial and material support from the guarantor (Čestné vyhlásenie o poskytnutí finančného a hmotného zabezpečenia).

When applying for permanent residence (trvalý pobyt) by a foreigner below 18 years of age, the financial security will be one of the above listed documents on behalf of the guarantor. Here it’s also necessary to provide an obligation of financial and material support from the guarantor  (Čestné vyhlásenie o poskytnutí finančného a hmotného zabezpečenia).

Photos can be made in almost every shopping center or photo studio.

It’s recommended to crop photos measuring 3 x 3,5 cm and attaching to the applicant’s form right away, so when filing a police report, you don’t waste time on that.

Cestovný pas – international passport.

The passport must be valid at the time of documents submission.

Police officer will make a copy of the passport and return it to the applicant.

Certificate must be obtained from your insurance company office in paper form with the stamp and signature of the employee.

Also important to note:

Čestné vyhlásenie vlastníka nehnuteľnosti – declaration from the property owner.

The sample can be filled out manually by downloading it from our website.

The document must be completed in Slovak or Czech and certified by a Slovak or Czech notary, or personally signed at the migration police department once submitting documents.


Nájomná zmluva – rental agreement.

It’s necessary to prepare a separate copy or a notarized copy of the agreement for submission to the police.

The document must be completed in Slovak or Czech and certified by a Slovak or Czech notary.


Potvrdenie ubytovacieho zariadenia – place of residence confirmation.

Handed out when living in dormitories, hostels, hotels, etc.

The document must be completed in Slovak or Czech and certified with the seal of the institution.


Čestné vyhlásenie o vlastníctve nehnuteľnosti – declaration of real estate ownership.

Submitted if a foreigner owns his own real estate.

The sample can be filled out manually by downloading it from our website.

The document must be completed in Slovak or Czech and certified by a Slovak or Czech notary, or personally signed at the migration police department once submitting documents.

Čestné vyhlásenie, že dôvody udelenia trvalého pobytu naďalej trvajú – a statement showing that grounds for getting permanent residence continue to apply.

The sample can be filled out manually by downloading it from our website.

The document must be completed in Slovak or Czech and certified by a Slovak or Czech notary, or personally signed at the migration police department once submitting documents.